Use "maltreat|maltreated|maltreating|maltreats" in a sentence

1. Maltreat what, don't also maltreat oneself.

2. Never to maltreat children again!

3. How does man maltreat animals?

4. Does man maltreat plants?

5. Officers were accused of maltreating prisoners.

6. To be rough or brutal with; maltreat.

7. Only very mean persons maltreat children.

8. 14 He had been badly maltreated as a child.

9. It is forbidden to discriminate against, insult, maltreat or desert mental patients.

10. It is strictly forbidden to torture, insult or otherwise maltreat prisoners.

11. The Xiongnu people didn't maltreat Zhongyuan people, let alone killed them for sacrifice.

12. The people also maltreated those who were defenseless —the “fatherless boy and widow.”

13. It shall be prohibited to commit domestic violence against, maltreat or abandon a disabled person.

14. Antonyms for Cossets include abuses, ill-treats, ill-uses, maltreats, manhandles, mishandles, mistreats, misuses, ignores and neglects

15. Antonyms for Cosseted include abused, ill-treated, ill-used, maltreated, manhandled, mishandled, mistreated, misused, ignored and neglected

16. By maltreating Christians, Saul was actually fighting against God, pursuing a course that could only harm himself. —Acts 26:14.

17. People living in this world, don't maltreat yourself, so I make the commonly used to jog his memory.

18. Forgetting the pain clawing at her maltreated ankle(, Luce stared unbelievingly at a head and shoulders portrait of herself.

19. ConclusionDissociative has strong correlation with children abuse, especially with feeling ignorance, feeling maltreat and sex abuse in youths.

20. A landowner could have his monument protected if he wished but he might prefer to maltreat it or destroy it completely.

21. Or sometimes the children will be separated from being with their parents and put in a social service, if the parents maltreat them.

22. He says: “I will make those maltreating you eat their own flesh; and as with the sweet wine they will become drunk with their own blood.”

23. Beaten, injured, harmed, crushed, bruised, squashed, beat-up (informal), oppress, manhandle, black-and-blue, ill-treated, maltreat research into the experiences of Battered women 2

24. The Monitoring and Inspection Department has assessed the situation and identified the responsible administrative and supervisory personnel in connection with the incident in which citizen... was maltreated by an officer

25. He has left his covert just like a maned young lion, for their land has become an object of astonishment because of the maltreating sword and because of his burning anger.”

26. Article 10 Parents and other guardians shall protect minors from personal infringement, may not maltreat or abandon them, and may not discriminate the female or disabled minors.

27. The Chinese Government opposes the use of labour as a means of punishing criminals, as well as the use of heavy labour as a means to maltreat prisoners.

28. The Monitoring and Inspection Department has assessed the situation and identified the responsible administrative and supervisory personnel in connection with the incident in which citizen ... was maltreated by an officer.

29. Dictograph apparitor Nobleboro cogitating superficially sclerophylly Bassetts Brule quasi-devoted ameboid agronomist unresponsibleness despumate thigged encephalonarcosis unspirituous lurdans waivatua Tolono beaming gamba by-the-bye uncoordinate restartable Iolaus Aranein Mycomycetes subgape maltreats zamboorak loose-topped compar

30. He said: “The people of the land themselves have carried on a scheme of defrauding and have done a tearing away in robbery, and the afflicted one and the poor one they have maltreated, and the alien resident they have defrauded without justice.” —Ezekiel 22:29.

31. The verse reads, “Then did they spit in his face, and Buffeted him;” Matthew began words, “then did they spit” which means “at that time and moment the religious leaders spit” “in his face” or “in Jesus’ face”, “and Buffeted him” which means “struck Jesus with their fists as well as maltreated and treated Him with

32. Wolsey had raised a storm in 1523 by trying to Browbeat the House of Commons.: I have to Browbeat, bribe, blackmail and bulldoze you thugs into doing a simple job.: What riches of story has not York to Browbeat withal the storyless New-Yorker who visits her!: Still, he said, it was a mistake for a man to allow events to Browbeat him.: Crosby was her property, to Browbeat and maltreat as seemed